The Birth of Allison {Breath of Life Birth Center-Tampa Bay Doula & Birth Photography}

August 24, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

This sweet mama was part of the moms group I was part of 2 years ago at Breath of Life Birth Center. She had her first baby there.  This mama has a heroic story of her struggles and victories with breastfeeding. She called me early in the year to let me know she was again pregnant and interested in doula services. She asked, do you remember me? Of course I did! She had worked so hard and learned so much and shared her knowledge. 


They say 2nd babies are usually easier.  Well not this time.... after weeks of "false" labor, it seemed the time for the real thing had arrived. I was excited to get the call.  Excited for this family, and excited to be working in one of my favorite places. Breath of Life Birth Center.

Things appeared to be moving along pretty quickly, mom and dad were laboring together, she the picture of calm in his protective arms.  After awhile she felt pushy. As generally done, mom is encouraged to follow her body and its cues. But it wasn't long before things didn't seem quite right. After a quick check we learned there was cervix still there, and not the type to go away with a little push or little enough to be pushed behind the head, but mom was feeling so pushy. So began the long hours of helping mom relax, breath through the sensations, to allow her body to open and be able to birth her daughter. A later check showed the same. Knowing that dilation is only one part of birth, we started looking at all the elements. Momma's state of mind, level of fear or relaxation, her position, what babies position might be etc.

We had some suspicions there may be a position issue with this little lady, so we encouraged mom to try different positions, and used a few spinning babies techniques. Before we knew it, uncontrollable urges to push were back, and so the midwife made sure we were good to go, and mom headed to the bathroom, we all know the toilet is a great place to labor and push. And it was time. We gave mom and dad space to labor in private, and before we knew it mom was calling out. She chose to birth on the birth stool, and it was just a matter of moments and her daughter was born!

On look at that sweet girls head showed us a little about what the hold up was. Why her cervix was doing what it was. Mom wanted to nurse her daughter right away. So there in that room, we all celebrated as mom started to nurse, and daddy held in his arms his wife newest daughter.

This birth was yet again another example of how midwives treat the whole woman. They took into account more than just her dilation. They didn't rush to do a ceserean when her dilation didn't change during a window of time. And because of the freedom afforded to a mom laboring naturally and not attached to machines, we had a lot of options to give this mom to help her birth her baby. It was a beautiful thing to watch. Mom wore a necklace that said "TRUST BIRTH".  This birth required that. You did it mom, birthed your baby, stayed the course even when it was really hard. Im so proud of you! And I hope you are of yourself! :) 




Here are a few from this sweet family's birth!


2 of the birth center's midwives supporting mom through intense contractions.



Giving a few techniques a try to help baby get into ideal position.


Check out that head! (and where the molding is!)

Just as suspected, baby's position was making things a little more challenging for mama



One thing I love about birth center and homebirth is how the newborn exam is delayed to allow for bonding, but also how its done right in front of mom and dad. They are walked through the elements of the exam and get to know the amazing things their newborn can already do!


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