The Birth of Genevieve {Labor of Love Birth Center Tampa- Water Birth Photography}

November 11, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

I instantly loved this family when we met to discuss services. As the time came closer, we set up a maternity session you may remember this beautiful belly-

As a doula, having clients with a homebirth midwife or at a birth center is really nice. Because we know they are generally getting all sorts of great info, and support. But sometimes things can come up out of anyone's control. One thing that can cause fear and nervousness is when a mom's due date comes.... and goes.... and the sad reality of possibly transfer has to be discussed. Having gone overdue, and having to have this talk with my own last pregnancy, the fears, worries, and concerns this mama was having were fresh to me, so my heart went out to her.  It can be hard to not let the fear rob you of the peace of the last few days pregnant. To remember that even though a deadline exists, and there may only be 2 days left... that is still 24 unique hours that anything can happen. Even at the last minute.

Finally I hear word mama was having some contractions, but nothing close together, so we all were going to bed, and hopefully, things will pick up that night. Well, nothing that night, then all the sudden the text came in that they are 3 minutes apart- and soon they were heading to the birth center. So I grabbed my gear and was on my way. The birth center was 45 minutes away. Once I arrived, I called and the big sister to be answered, saying baby is coming NOW! Woah ok, wow! Somewhere in it all I threw my bag down, grabbed my camera (always ready and charged when I leave the house- just in case- for moments like this!!)  I turned the corner into a very dark room, and a momma clearly pushing out her baby, and the midwife, chiropractor/birth assistant, and her husband all leaning over the tub helping this mama birth her baby. It went crazy fast! It was a good reminder of how birth photography sometimes requires you to have a skill level that you just react- no time to think- just shoot and set your settings by instinct.

Just after baby was born, everyone was a bit in shock, it happen so fast, and was so intense. But as the shock wore off, the joy came through. As is sometimes the case with really fast birth, the shock can hit mom and baby physically. Thankfully, momma's amazing chiropractor had been there to give her a labor adjust, and ended up assisting the midwife, then adjusting baby to help her slow her breaths and adjust from the fast birth! Momma also needed a little time to recover and get ready to have baby in her arms.  During this time, dad and the chiropractor worked with baby, then big sister took on the role of baby holder. She tenderly held her, speaking to her, and comforting her while mama was catching her breath under the midwife's care.

Soon momma was feeling better and ready to snuggle into bed with her sweet new little girl. I helped mama place baby to the breast and she latched on instantly. (While I know much of that is instinct for a newborn- I also think her post birth chiropractic adjustment helped her be ready for this moment!!)  It wasn't long after that, grandma arrived with big brother. So many beautiful family moments.

Even though it was fast, it was beautiful and intense. Great team all around. Loving big sister, steadfast dad to be, and great birth center and chiropractic support.

Congrats family! You did it!



This one of only 2 shots I had time to get before baby came out!! I actually love this photo- but let me explain it- this woman in the white is the midwife, the black- the chiropractor, dad is to the far right and back. I admit- I always chuckle inside at the hospital births when a Dr says they don't "catch" in positions other than mom on her back.  Or they don't really do that. Ive seen midwives help moms birth in every imaginable position. No big deal! In this pic, midwife was under the chiropractor doing tug of war with mom! You ladies rock!

And only moments later.....

Getting adjusted to help baby post birth.... and daddy holding his daughter for the first time!

I know its hard to imagine a new baby getting adjusted when you may think of what an adult adjustment is like. But I love this particular photo because you can see how gentle. The baby was so relaxed, as if she was already feeling better, and looking right up into Dr. Fagan's eyes,

Big sister was a huge help, keeping baby calm, warm, and safe in her arms while mom was being taken are of.

Finally, together for snuggles

Big Brother is here!! Come meet your sister!!


A group of expecting families were at the birth center for their childbirth class. Momma allowed her little one to go give the families a little inspiration! Of course daddy and an already protective big brother were right behind! Soon it was time for the newborn exam, then family time!


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