Homebirth Tampa Bay {VBAC- Pinellas Homebirth Photography}

April 17, 2012  •  2 Comments




Laboring in the comfort of her own home, doula, Dr. Alexa Fagan- http://totallychiropractic.net/  (right back) & Midwife Jill Adams -http://www.jilladamshomebirthmidwife.com/ (far left).  The best support team knows when to step in, and when to step back and let the laboring woman do her mighty work. Using water for comfort during labor. Waterbirth is a gentle, safe way to brith your baby.


I love homebirth. I also love when women are supported in their choices on where and HOW to birth.  In our area, fufilling the desire to VBAC (vaginal birth after ceserean) can be next to impossible. There just isn't much support. Throw into the mix a scar that is not a simple one, and it becomes even harder. Thankfully there are those will support women in her choice. 

Are you a woman seeking a VBAC but have been told your scar is "high risk" or not the typical? Visit this site for resources, support, and information. http://www.specialscars.org/  and for local Tampa resources visit here- http://tampa.ican-online.org/


I am so proud of this special momma who worked hard, listened to her body, her intuition, stood her groud, and birthed her baby, naturally and vaginally, even after so many said she couldn't.  So very happy for you and your beautiful family.  Permission to share just a few from her birth.  I love the peace, calm, and support during homebirth!

Monitoring of moms and baby during labor, done in position that is most comfortable for the laboring woman.



In moms arms at last (*Photo taken with mom's camera by doula- my work this birth was during labor and newborn photos)


In cases where birth happens fast, or preference against birth images, a "First 48" session can be scheduled. This is a simple, intimate, photo session done in your home, birth center, or hospital, in the first 48 hours of your baby's life. They change so quickly preserve those fresh details before they are gone.



this is beautiful.
Jenn Mitchell(non-registered)
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